$cat bio.txt 
    ___________       __  __     ____                     _            
   / ____/ / (_)___  / /_/ /_   / __ )____ _      _______(_)___  ____ _
  / __/ / / / / __ \/ __/ __/  / __  / __ \ | /| / / ___/ / __ \/ __ `/
 / /___/ / / / /_/ / /_/ /_   / /_/ / /_/ / |/ |/ / /  / / / / / /_/ / 
/_____/_/_/_/\____/\__/\__/  /_____/\____/|__/|__/_/  /_/_/ /_/\__, /  

Studying Computer Science BSc(Hons) at University of Hull


$ vim hobbies.txt
- Researching and completing small tasks around software development and tools
- Go to the gym 5x a week and eat in accordance to hypertrophy training
- Enjoy building, upgrading and learning about new pc hardware technologies and advancements


Honours Project

Energy Usage Dashboard/Estimator

$ vim honours.py
- Web application that takes raw energy data from users tariff, uses the data to run through a filtration and proccessing algorithm to be compared with users given devices
- The analystics take into account data such as device name, type, periods of use in day, season, age and power rating of devices, future improvements to be made
- Using the result of the proccessed information, provides the user with intuitive feedback and reccomendations
- Built using Flask micro-framework and uses SQLite3 for storing data from users and other information
- All backend processing and database functionality is made using python and RESTful Apis for communication
- Great potential for future development to integrate reinforcement learning using PyTorch to better refine the reccomendations to the users

Distributed Systems Programming

ASP.NET API, Client/Server Creation

$ nano distributed.py
- Module at university consisted of making a WEB API using a client and server using the ASP.NET framework
- Created RESTful API functionalities for handling requests on the server for multiple variations of requests
- API Key management, public and private key authentication, SHA1/SHA256 Hashing for security and many other security implementations
- CRUD Database operations were handmade for server to database functionality
- Used loosely coupled relationships in the structure of the API Server for security purposes
- Object relational mapping was used for querying the database for API functionality

Safety Critical Systems

Safety Analysis of a Brake-By-Wire System

$ cat safetyCriticalSystems.py

- Module at university used methods to gather information regarding system faults and the reliability of the system
- The system covered was a Brake-By-Wire system for a vehicle, methods used were:
- Fault Tree Diagrams
- Logical Expressions
- Cut-Set calculations
- Markov Modelling
- MTBF Calculations
- Python Code for reliability calculations for the system over x amount of time

Secure Digital Infrastructure

SSH Server Configuration for a (Fake) Biotech Company

$ vi sshd_config.txt

- Created and configured a data management system through virtual machine resources hosted on an ArchLinux Machine
- Consisted of host machine configuration
- SSHD Server Configuration
- File System Structure
- Putty Public/Private Key and SFTP Access
- Data, Folder and Directory Permissions and Access based off of custom roles for employees
